Friday, November 30, 2007

Theatre life...

Hello everyone! I have been extremely busy with theatre these days so I took this moment to catch you all up to speed...

URINETOWN- recently was in our production of Urinetown as the Narrator/Bad Cop officer Lockstock. The show went swimmingly setting many box office records! It was an awesome first show to be a part of and it gave me a great taste of how things are run here at Augie.

EATING INTO THE FABRIC- After Urinetown wrapped up I got involved with a Staged reading of the script "eating into the fabric" which was written by Ivan Fuller one of the professors here. They selected me to be one of the leads as the director of a theater company in the midst of the siege on Leningrad. It is being directed by Anne Hamilton who is quiet famous. She has had many off -broadway productions and her shows have been directed by some amazing directors including Michael Mayer the recent director of the Tony wining "Spring Awakening" VERY EXCITING! Its only a week long thing but I know I will learn a ton from just being able to work with her.

AUDITIONS- On Tuesday I tried out for both "The Complete History of America (Abridged)" and "She Stoops to Conquer". I was hoping to get into Complete but it was a three person cast and the juniors and seniors basically already had dibs on the parts, so I was casted in She Stoops as Tony Lumpkin the drunk trickster of the bunch... We have another guest director for this production and he seems like a great guy. We don't start rehearsing until the spring but we have an awesome cast and I am getting pumped already.

THE EUPHEMISM OF AMERICA!- This is the name of the Improv group that I started here at Augie with 5 other people. We have practiced once and seem to have a good vibe between the group. We are focusing on "shlong" form improv (short form improv with a long form format) and are extremely excited to practice more and get some shows!

Soooo that is all I have going on in the Theater world right now. On top of this I am involved with the christmas choir concert for the augie choir, and of course keeping up in my other classes....

Tomorrow will be Sara and I's 1 year anniversary which is absolutely nuts! considering the only other long relationship I had was with Leah Conway in 5th grade and it was only for 3 months.... weird.

Hope all is well and MN is getting plenty of snow these days... we have been getting some here so I have already put in a request for my snow stuff to be sent to me!

Happy season of the christmas tree!


Sara said...

your grammar...honestly.

happy one year. it IS insane.

Tyler Olsen said...

Nice beard, beardo!

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