Sunday, September 23, 2007

Augustana, like no place on earth!

Hello All! Greeting from SODAK!

Recently I have been swamped in homework all week... Between reading Descartes on critical thinking to Dychtwald on how our mind and body works together. All of my classes are interesting, challenging, and I have all EXCELLENT professors. I am already at home here and have plenty of friends. I hang out with a bunch of the guys from my floor and hall most of the time due to the fact that they live with me BUT I also get caught up in the theater and choir crews randomly too.

Weekends have been exciting here... I have pretty much gotten out every night to do SOMETHING like:
1)explore sioux falls
2)play frisbee golf
3)sing broad way songs with the drunk theater upper class-men.
4)throwing raves
5)attending a dinner with my friend Lara and creepy guy who asked her out
6)playing Halo in preparation for Halo 3 coming out on tuesday....
7)Not being able to draw out cash and having my credit card eaten by an ATM... ya, sucked a lot.
8)Urinetown rehearsals
9)Watching the current production of "How I learned to Drive"
10) Going to Office Max and getting myself organized... mom you would be SOO proud.
11) and of course being really bored at times.

Randomly I have been lifting weights and using stationary bikes with my friend Jeff across the hall. Also I got to attend a Baptist church with some other guys from my floor and listen to Joel Rosenburg talk about how the bible proves that the world is about to end... intresting, but I prefer not being SCARED into believing in Jesus... Enlightening though.

Thats all I got for right now! hope all is well!


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